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Let's make our community a better place!
Our COTTAGE GARDEN, sections of which were removed during the recent renovations to Worsley Cottage, is still a work in progress, but our volunteers are working hard to re-establish it.
Located behind Worsley Cottage is a slab squatter's hut dating from around 1844. The hut was originally situated on Plaistow Run near Joyce's Creek on the Pyrenees Highway and is the oldest known building in the district. The hut is constructed from vertical slabs of timber with a shingle roof. The floor is of rammed earth and the walls are lined with hessian and calico.
The resource centre is the final major building on the site, located at the rear of the property, and contains separate research and museum display areas.
The research area contains a multitude of archived materials and resources, including copies on microfilm of the local newspaper, the Maryborough and Dunolly Advertiser - later known as the Maryborough Advertiser.
The museum area has many historical items from the Maryborough district on display.
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